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Textbook of Plant Physiology

V. Verma (Author)

Completely updated, latest information obtained from scientific researches have been included. The chapter on bioenergetics deals with energy transformations and chemiosmotic theory for ATP formation. A very detailed account of role of light in photosynthesis is discussed in view of the latest findings. Latest scheme of non-cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation has been explained in detail. Cyanide resistant respiration has been explained in detail. Fat and protein metabolism have been thoroughly updated. The various metabolic processes have been explained with the help of appropriate diagrams. Every chapter has been dealt with in light of recent researches. About 300 new diagrams have been included to make the understanding of the subject easy for the students.

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About the author

V. Verma

Dr. Verma grew up with the tradition of Yoga and Ayurveda. She studied at the University de Paris, was trained in the National Institute of Health, Bethesda USA, worked in the Max-Planck Institute, a children’s hospital and a pharmaceutical company in Germany. She has founded Patanjali Yoga Darsana Society to spread the message of yoga throughout the world. Dr. Verma uses various yogic practices for health care and therapy, through her holistic health organization Now. Now has two centres, one at NOIDA, near New Delhi and the other in the Himalayan mountains of Garhwal. Dr. Verma travels throughout the world giving lectures, workshops, T.V. and radio programmes on Yoga and Ayurveda. Her book, Yoga for Integral Health and four more books on Ayurveda have been published in several European languages, and in Hindi.

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Bibliographic information

Title Textbook of Plant Physiology
Author V. Verma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8180520641
length xviii+732p.