Linguistic Approach to Meaning in Pali
Meaning is the core and heart of any language. When it comes to ancient languages such as Pal, the study of meaning is conducted with a special purpose. Pali like any other ancient language of the Buddha are contained. A Student of Pali studies this language for understanding the words of the Blessed One, though he may not use the knowledge of language for any communication. The need of communication applies to the current languages in which the people normally speak. For ancient languages, the purpose of any study is for understanding the same. While this general feature applies to Pali also, there is some higher purpose and that it's the realization of the essence of the teachings. Thus the word artha, meaning is for understanding as well realizing the same. This book seeks to emphasize the need to study the aspect of meaning keeping in mind this special purpose for PALI. The modern linguistics conduct their study mostly on modern languages with scientific tools that had undergone tremendous change in the course of recent past. But when the same tools are applied to ancient languages in any linguistic study, the said approach needs to be changes. The study of meaning in this book is conducted with the special emphasis given to the caution of the Buddha in study of his teachings and for him the word artha, meaning lies in its realization of the essence of the teachings and not to serve a mere purpose of communication. If for Sanskrit and other ancient languages, the letter is very important as to mode of chanting, intonation etc., for pali, it is the practical realization that is behind the concept of meaning. This approach has been judiciously mixed with modern linguistic approach to some extent in this study. An exclusive study of this type seeks to bring out the intentions of the Buddha as far as the medium of language in which h taught is concerned.
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