Towards the Development of Scheduled Castes
The scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes are disadvantaged both socially and economically although they have been well protected and secured by constitutional provisions and enactment and state governments have implemented several poverty alleviation programmes during different plan periods. Realising the shortcomings of the poverty alleviation programmes the central government has adopted certain special schemes separate for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. One such programme is special central assistance to special component plan, which is exclusively meant for the scheduled castes. This assistance is provided by the central government to the state governments in the form of subsidies which is routed through OSFDC to the ultimate beneficiaries. This study is exclusively confined to scheduled caster. The study has several important angles; first, it analyses the operation of the programme, secondly it examines the achievements under the programme, thirdly, it analyses the problems associated with the implementation of the programme and finally the policy measure to overcome the hurdles. This pioneering work is a well documented effort to cater the needs of academicians, researchers, bankers, welfare activists including NGOs, policy makers and statesmen.
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