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Water Birds

Ranjit Lal (Author)
Synopsis Birds of a feather have you ever sat by the edge of a reed-fringed jheel on a misty winter morning at dawn? If you get there early enough, when the sky is still dark purple and freckled with stars and the waters are still and calm, snuggle into your windcheater and settle down. And listen and watch and yes, don't forget your binoculars! sport the silhouette of a crane. Identify the trilling call of a dabchick. Discover the exotic plumage of the brahminy duck or pay attention to the snazzy avocets dozing in the water. From grebes to pelicans, cormorants to cranes, herons, storks, geese, ducks, kingfishers, gulls, and so many other water birds, Ranjit Lal takes you bird-watching with a dash of humour, a tinge of admiration and lots of love for these magnificent creatures. An indispensable resource for all bird lovers, this book offers hours of compelling reading and pleasant browsing.
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About the author

Ranjit Lal

Ranjit Lal has written fiction and non-fiction for both adults and children. His books include The Crow Chronicles, The Life and Times of Altu Faltu, That Summer at Kalagarh, The Bossman Adventures and Bossman and the Thrown Away Family. His most recent book for Puffin was The Caterpillar Who Went on a Diet and Other Stories.

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Bibliographic information

Title Water Birds
Author Ranjit Lal
Format Softcover
Date published: 10.02.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Rupa & Co.
Language: English
isbn 8129109948
length xiv+190p.