Pongamia: A Versatile Tree
Pongamia pinnata is a multipurpose and multiuse farmers' friendly tree in India. It thrives well in sub-tropical regions and it is seen in almost all states in India. It is naturally germinated and grown in tank bunds, field bunds, water channel areas, wastelands, etc. Farmers use branches, stems, tree parts, etc. for farm implements. Leaves and flower drops, etc. are used as compost or green manure. Oil and oilcake can be used as pesticides and biofertilizer respectively. It has medicinal value and industrial use. It controls/reduces the atmospheric pollution. It is drought resistant, unbrowsable and thrives in all soils, but not too resistant to heavy frost. Of late, it is recognized as the effective bio-fuel plant and bio-fuel has capacity to replace imported diesel so as to save huge foreign exchequer. Such valuable 'eco-friendly', 'farmers-friendly', 'industrial-use' and 'bio-fuel' plant is neglected in India. Hence, a study was taken up to know present economic viability, utility, marketing channels, etc. so as to have comprehensive idea to develop suitable models for its popularization by helping farmers through liberal loan facilities, encouragement, etc. It will go in the long way to be self-reliant in bio-fuel by replacing import of diesel and drastic reduction on foreign exchequer.
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Y.V.R. Reddy
Y.S. Ramakrishna