The Siva Samhita: With Transliteration and Translation
Every Jiva is an integral part of the Paramatman, but this identity is veiled by ignorance (Maya/Avidya), and the Individual self appears separate from the supreme Self. Siva Samhita is a fundamental book of yoga, which delineates the process by which this sense of separateness is eliminated and the Jivatman regains his oneness with the Paramatman. The science of Yoga revealed here by Lord Siva includes many disciplines of power and realisation-like the practice of postures, breath regulation, Pratyahara, purification of the Tattvas and Nadis and transmutation of energy vortexes called Cakras. The practice of Yoga in a systematic way culminates in awakening the Kundalini, the psychic force (Sakti) lying like a coiled serpent, at the base of the Spinal column. With the Japa of Bija-mantras and meditation, Kundalini Sakti rises upward to the Sahasrasra (Purusa or Self) and when Sakti rises to Brahmarandhra, the Yogi experiences Samadhi (State of Bliss). Briefly, this Samhita constitutes the sum and substance of the science of Yoga and Tantra. It is a must for the practitioners of Yoga.
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Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu