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Yoga for Back Pain

H R Nagendra (Author) R Nagarathana (Author)

This is one of the series of books on "integrated approach of yoga therapy for modern aliments" published by Swami Vivekananda Prakashana. The authors of this book are both scientists who have carried out systematic research at the yoga research foundation and development these integrated yoga therapy modules in tune with both the traditional yoga texts and the modern medical understanding of the alignment. Research by these authors since 1980 has validated by the efficacy of these techniques through scientific observations published in indexed medical journals. Low back pain is becoming an increasing problem of modern life style. Apart from sedentary life style and injuries, psychological and emotional stresses are important factors in causation of back pain. A systematic approach to handle the problem at physical, emotional and mental levels are available in this program of IAYT described in this book. These have been continuously improvised based on ongoing clinical research experiences at the 150 bedded residential health home (Prasanthi Kutiram) of svyasa.

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Bibliographic information

Title Yoga for Back Pain
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2008
Edition Reprint.
Language: English
length xii+147p., Tables; Figures; 21cm.