Operation Triple X: An Indian Spy-Run in Pakistan (A Novel)
Operation Triple X is a story of aggressive forward espionage, woven around the life and time of an Indian spy embedded in Pakistan and his intense love for a fragrant Pakistani beau. The story is set in the backdrop of bitter Indo-Pak relations between 1964 and 1971. Events leading to Pakistan's Kashmir war of 1965, genocide in East Pakistan and birth of Bangladesh have been aesthetically spun through characters borrowed from historical dramatis personae on either side of the border. Spy-game is an eternal as organized human society. The spy craft related details in the novel have not been borrowed from the leaves and lives of any real-life spy. They story evolves around the professional and emotional lives of two young souls-an Indian spy and a Pakistani charmer, which defies the rule books of espionage and transcends to the realm of intense love and caring. Could such infinite soul-unity bring back the sense of oneness that we enjoyed once? That is all about Operation Triple X.
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