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Kasika (A Commentary on Panini's Grammar) of Vaman & Jayaditya (In 10 Volumes)

Sudhakar Malaviya (Editor) Jaya Shankar Lal Tripathi (Editor)

We have the pleasure in presenting the Ten Volumes of Kasika with Nyasa and Padamanjari along with the new Hindi-exposition Bhavabodhini by dr. Jaya Shankar Lal Tripathi.  The learned editor of the present edition Dr. Jaya Shankar Lal Tripathi, Professor in the Department of Sanskrit, Banaras Hindu University has taken great pains and care in editing the text and Hindi exposition.  He has provided, in addition to Hindi exposition, critical notes and references which, we are sure, will render this edition more useful and valuable than all the earlier editions.  The whole work shall be completed in eleven volumes.

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Title Kasika (A Commentary on Panini's Grammar) of Vaman & Jayaditya (In 10 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 02.06.2000
Edition 1st ed.
Language: Sanskrit, English, Hindi
length 4812p., Index; 26cm.