Foundations of Nutrition
Although we already know much about what nutrients are needed for an adequate diet and what foods provide them. You are likely already familiar with some of this nutrition knowledge. reading food labels and watching one's weight are two common adult pursuits. Still, you will benefit by learning even more about nutrition, especially its role in contributing to overall health. What is the difference between food, nutrients, and nutrition? Food provides both the energy and the materials needed to build and maintain all body cells. Nutrients are the nourishing substances we must obtain for food. These essential substances are vital for growth and maintenance for infancy to adulthood. For a nutrient to be considered essential, two characteristics are needed. First, it omission from the diet must lead to a decline in certain aspects of human health, such as function of the nervous system. Second, if the omitted nutrient is restored to the diet before permanent damage occurs, those aspects of human health hampered by its absence should regain normal function. Nutritionists, dieticians, and all those involved with the hospitality and food industries will find this book a most useful addition to their knowledge that will help them rise to higher levels of success.
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