Clinical Approach to Alleviation of Poverty
One visible, often ignored, sometimes disguised, painful and deplorable human problems is poverty. Poverty is a complex problem not merely related to food, it embraces other minimal needs and necessities for human individuals such as shelter, clothing, health, sanitary living literacy and some dependable means of survival. Poverty is largely prevalent in underdeveloped and developed countries. Poverty is there, we don't need to elaborate and go in for microscopic analysis of this pathetic condition. The focus in the present book is on historical, political and administrative reasons to why 30 to 40 percent of people in underdeveloped and developing countries suffer for decades in what we may call depressing inhuman social suffocation. The present study highlights the factors and reasons behind the deplorable and painful way of living by the poor. The percentage of the poor ranges from 30 to 40 percent in the developing and underdeveloped countries. It may be mentioned here even in the developed countries especially U.S.A. one in eight is listed below poverty line. The book emphasizes on the clinical approach towards alleviation of poverty. Since it is a question of motivating, providing facilities to their ideas and means to improve their living conditions of the poor and the below poverty line people, the discussion in the book focuses on the role of local leaders, the youth and their contribution in helping people below poverty line gradually wriggle out of the unfortunate trap. The other material discussed in the book relate to environmental sanitation, people's participation and the measures which would help in alleviating poverty.
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