Mandaramanjari of Visvesvara Pandeya: Introduction, Text, English Translation and Annotations
Mandaramanjari of Vishveshvara Pandeya, author of Aryasaptashati and many other works on Alankarashastra is only in Purvabhaga, the Uttarabhaga said to have been written by his son not traceable.According to Dr. V.V. Bhatta, Mandaramanjari like Kadambari deals with the two Romances of Puspupura King Citrabhanu son of Rajashekhara and Malaykavati and Mandaramanjari on the one hand and of the Demon Manasaketu and Madayantika like Bana’s Candriapida and Kadambari, Vaishampayana and Mahashveta, like Dhanapala’s Tilakamanjari also it may be compared to have two romances as it does of Harivahana, the Ayodhya prince and Tilakamaajari and of Samaraketu of Simhala dvipa and Malayasundari of Kanchi. According to Dr. V.V. Bhatta Mandaramanjari is available in two parts, the First part being the composition of Vishveshvara Pandeya and the Uttarabhaga that of some pupil of his of unknown name, the last pages having gone lost. Purvardha contains 186 paragraphs.
The entire Romance of Mandaramanjari displays the poet’s knowledge of philosophy and Puranas replete as it is with recondite vocabulary and some uncommon usages needing the consultation of dictionaries and lexicons.
The translation has been done with the help of Kusumatika aided by Laxicons such as Amarakosha Abhidhanacintamani of Hemacandra and Medinikosha of Medinikara with Sanskrit English Dictionaries V.S. Apte and Monier Williams playing a characteristic role.
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