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Women in Indian Politics

Lalit Upadhayay (Author)
Synopsis India is the largest democracy in the world and being a true democracy it is represented by women as well, though not in great numbers. Indian women have always shown their presence in all walks of life and politics is not an exception. Right from the days of Indian freedom struggle, contribution of women has been phenomenal. In politics as well, they have made a good mark for themselves. This book traces the role of Indian women from ancient times to the present one. It gives an in depth analysis of women's role in freedom struggle. As the title suggest, this book is primarily about women in India politics, so we have given emphasis on this topic. We have tried to cover as many women politicians as we can, with special mention on their achievements in politics and elsewhere. We have also given a chapter on women other than politics but whose actins can largely influence the political scene. We hope that this book will be a treat to read about women and their role in Indian politics and students from different fields will appreciate it.
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About the author

Lalit Upadhayay

This book is written by Dr. Lalit Upadhyay. He is a well known writer of many previous books on national and international politics, International-state relations etc. After completing his masters from Delhi University, he taught in some reputed schools before going to a U.S. university for doing his doctorate. He has worked with many national and international organizations in India and abroad. As a keen person on Indian politics and more Importantly Being a women protagonist, he has closely monitored the role of women in Indian politics and his loads of experience has been very vital in shaping this book.

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Bibliographic information

Title Women in Indian Politics
Format Hardcover
Date published: 04.10.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Better Books
Language: English
isbn 819031775X
length vi+237p., 23cm.