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Forest Products and their Utilization

S.S. Negi (Author)
Synopsis The world has rich forests varying from rain forests to dry thorn scrub and alpine pastures. Human beings depend heavily on forest products in their everyday lives these products include timber and non timber forest products like medicines, drugs, food, fodder, fuel, dyes, tans, essential oils, fibers, flosses, coir, silk, lac, gums, resins and many other products. Forest products are also raw materials for the industrial production of many useful materials like paper, rayon and matches. The livelihood of millions of people depends directly or directly on forest products or industries based on them. This book deals with forest products and their utilization, with special reference to India. It has been compiled from various published and unpublished sources including the author’s previous publications. Hence no originality is claimed. It will be useful for foresters, students, scientists, naturalists, economists and even the layman. The author is thankful to his friends and well wishers for their encouragement, to his family for their self-denial and to the publishers for bringing out this book in a short time.
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Bibliographic information

Title Forest Products and their Utilization
Author S.S. Negi
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st. Ed.
Publisher IBD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8170892880
length 285p.