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Modern Botany

Naveen Malaviya (Author)
Synopsis The present book is a textbook on modern topics of Botany. The first chapter of this book is on plasma membrane, wherein, details of transport mechanism is discussed. There are three sections in this book. Section I deals with the biochemistry and metabolism. Section II covers developmental physiology and the Section III is on plant biotechnology. In this section, Ti plasmid, transposable elements and transgenic plants are discussed in details. In this book there are separate chapters on bioinformatics and biosignalling. The text of this book is based on biochemical, physiological and molecular aspects, along with the modern and emerging ideas in Botany.
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Bibliographic information

Title Modern Botany
Format Hardcover
Date published: 27.10.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8172335076
length x+300p., Tables; Figures.