The Flying Machines: Indian Air Force, 1933 to 1999
This is a book on the Indian Air Force aircraft. The story of the Indian Air Force, as told through pictures of its aircraft or milestones, is the story of devotion, skill, courage and sacrifices of its gallant servicemen. In its sixtyseven years of existence IAF has earned the well-merited reputation for service to the nation during peace and war. The Indian Air Force can indeed look back on its achievements with pride. Soon after its formation in 1932, it gave a concrete proof of its worth on the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) in enforcing law and order in the Pathan tribal areas. Soon after attaining independence in 1947, the country had to face aggressive and dangerous infiltration from Pakistan by its soldiers in civilian dress determined to occupy the state of Jammu & Kashmir by force. The timely action of the Indian Air Force along with the Army saved the state. Having done extremely well in the World War II on India-Burma border, the Indian Air Force again showed its fighting qualities during the wars of 1947-48 and 1971. A fighting service always fights as a team and this has been demonstrated again and again by the IAF flyers, technicians and other supporting personnel. Having dealt with them for a few decades in some difficult and adverse situations, may I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to them for the success of our Air Force. The book gives a good account of IAF aircraft and its personnel.
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