Rural Urban Planning 01: Concepts, Development Theories, Communities, Religion, Resources, People, Employment, Income, Poverty, Climate and Disasters
Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as 'of the people, for the people and by the people'. To make it a reality in a democratic society of twenty first century, planning should stand for not only 'of the people, for the people and by the people ; it must also be 'with the people'. Again in this age of globalization, advocacies like 'think globally act locally', necessitate a change in the perception of a planner to replace it with 'both think and act globally'. With this understanding, this author made his endeavours in this book to review important issues of planning and development. As a consequence, issues like discriminatory human birth control, population and resources, rural or urban poverty alleviation, development theories, role of religion and community, problems of floods or scarcity of water, deforestation or air pollution etc are objectively viewed from both global, regional and local perspectives.
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