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Education in India (Volume IV)

Shubha Tiwari (Editor)
Synopsis The sheer population of India force Mammoth phenomena. Education in India is one such area that has naturally grown in this soil; being shaped by multiple deliberate and also unintended choices. The point is that if some philosophy, certain guiding principles mould and shape this phenomenon, it may prove more useful to us, 'the people of India'. Assessment of future needs of the nation, resultant policy-making and keen implementation of policies may prove helpful to our future generations. These volumes are being brought out with a purpose to provide the fundamental philosophy that ought to govern education in India. Practical suggestions are also being provided for formation of policies. The implementation part, of course, depends on the government and its various agencies.
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About the author

Shubha Tiwari

Shubha Tiwari, M.A., Ph.D., is a faculty member at the Department of English, A.P.S. University, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. She edits an annual literary magazine Zenith. She has to her credit about twenty-five published research papers. Currently, Dr. Tiwari is working on the learning of English in teh Vindhya region under a major UGC Research Project. Her areas off interest are interdisciplinary approach to the study of Literature, inspirational literature, recent fiction and women’s studies.

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Bibliographic information

Title Education in India (Volume IV)
Author Shubha Tiwari
Format Hardcover
Date published: 16.02.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126908509
length xii+292p., Tables