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Human Rights Education: Theory and Practice

C. Naseema (Author)
Synopsis The human rights education can help both reduce human rights violations and contribute to building free and peaceful societies. Human rights should be a subject to all levels of education. The book presents an overview of the human rights, and implementation and pedagogical aspects of human rights education. It also deals specifically with methods and activities the teachers can use in classrooms for teaching human rights and their role. The pedagogical aspects of human rights education focussed in this book is a product of a series of workshops conducted on human rights education for the preparation of modules for incorporating human rights education in the school curriculum.
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About the author

C. Naseema

Dr. C. Naseema, M.Sc. (Physics), M.Ed., Ph.D. (Education), DDE, PGDHE, PGDCA is a Reader in Education of University of Calicut, Kerala. She is the Principal Investigator of U.G.C. aided major project on human Rights Education. Dr. Naseema has played a creative role in the development of a variety of curriculum materials. She has published two books, Methodology of Physical Sciences and Human Rights Education – Conceptual and Pedagogical Aspects and contributed to the books on Environmental Education – A Pedagogical Analysis, Year Book on Teacher Education and Globalisation and Challenges for Education. She has over 15 papers published in national and international journals.

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Bibliographic information

Title Human Rights Education: Theory and Practice
Author C. Naseema
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.03.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8175413917
length x+214p.