School Effectiveness: Learner and Institution Perspective at Primary Level
School effectiveness remains a complex and difficult problem for theorists, researchers and practitioners. School effectiveness is most pervasive yet least researched area. The study of school effectiveness began in the United States with many qualitative studies and has emerged as a popular topic amongst educational researchers lately. This book deals with the correlates of school effectiveness from the point of view of learner and institution. The learner correlates studied are students' behaviour adjustment to school, motivation to school, involvement in school activities and personal effectiveness. The correlates related to institutions are studied through classroom climate, school atmosphere, organizational culture and organizational health. The major concern in schools should be educational excellence to make the students became independent and creative learners which is absolutely dependent upon the students' and teachers' involvement, heads of schools quality of leadership, school climate and culture. To sum up this well researched study on school effectiveness would be of immense use and utility to learners and teachers alike.
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Sanjeev Kumar S. Hangal