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Homeopathy in the Curing of Herpes

E.L. Cotter (Author) H.T. Cotter (Author)
Synopsis Herpes is an illness that has not been treated successfully by allopathic ("modern") medicine. Since it is caused by viruses it is extremely difficult for traditional medicine to treat, but yields to various homeopathci remedies.

Herpes shortens and lessens of the quantity and quality of life with those who have contracted this disease. We truly believe that we all should have life and have it more abundantly. With the abilitythat homeopathy possesses to cure this illness, we would be remiss in waiting for th big book on how to eradicate it. To those who will atke a little time to study and match their symptoms to the homeopathic remedy with which it is traeted, they can cure this illness in themselves.
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Bibliographic information

Title Homeopathy in the Curing of Herpes
Format Softcover
Date published: 02.04.2003
Edition Reprint
Language: English
isbn 8174670556
length iv+37p., Index; 21cm.