Homeopathy in the Curing and Prevention of Aids
This is one of a series of books that are abridged from our major manuscript-- THE Curings from Colds to Cancer-- a lay home reference on homeopathy. Prior to publishing it, these smaller books that deal with various diseases and other facets of medicine are being published to provide affordable introductions to Homeopathy-- a scientific system of internal medicine. The most important reason for publishing this book early, however, is that AIDS is a heinous killer that tarditional medicine is unable to cure. The popular media has failed to report that there is an entire system of alternative medicine that has been proven effective in epidemics and regular practice when orthodox medicine has failed. We know that thi alternate, holistic system--Homeopathy--has far and away the best tools available to treat AIDS, especially when coupled with sound dietary and other natural hygienic programs.
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H.T. Cotter