Predictive Techniques in Varshaphala
Varshaphala is a useful adjuvant to the standard Parashari system of chart analysis. It is a technique primarily employed by the Vedic astrologers of north India. Until now A Textbook of Varshaphala by the author has been the standard reference book in English on this subject. Predictive Techniques in Varshaphala is an advancement over the earlier work by the author. The salient features of the present work are: Emphasis on the practical application of the principles of Varshaphala; Integration of analysis of the annual chart with that of the natal chart; New light on the Tajika aspects, the Muntha and the lord of the year; Inclusion of the subjects hitherto untouched, like the transits, the Vedha, the Hudda dasha, etc; Use of at least five different dasha systems with special mention of the indications for their use in different annual charts; A predominant use of Tajika yogas highlighting their reliability in predictions. Emphasis on considering the yogas not only from the lagna but also form the Muntha and the lord of the year; A large section, profusely illustrated, devoted to the application of the various principles of Varshaphala to varied real-life situations.
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