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Jatakalankara: A Treasure House of Planetary Yogas

K S Charak (Author)
Synopsis The Jatakalankara is a concise yet highly authentic classic on Vedic astrology concerned with the study and analysis of the natal chart.  Many an astrologer uses it in his practice as a reference book.  Its special fetures are as under: A brief introduction to the twelve houses and the planetary interrelationships; Detailed treatment of each of the twelve houses of the horoscope with description of several planetary combinations relevant to each house; A chapter on yogas, or specific planetary dispositions, that deals comprehensible with the numerous aspects of an individual, including physical, mental, intellectual, financial, sexual and social;  A detailed account of astrological indications of various medical ailments, highlighting subtle principles of medical astrology; A complete chapter on the highly important subject of determination of longevity, indicating numerous yogas that determine the various life-spans; Results of exchange of house lords; A special chapter on yogas for the Visha-Kanya; The book is profusely illustrated to elucidate its rich astrological content.
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About the author

K S Charak

Dr. K.S. Charak is a M.S. in Surgery, F.R.C.S. from U.K. He is Head of the Department of Surgery, Indira Gandhi ESI Hospital, Delhi. He is Honorary Editor of the bi-monthly Vedic Astrology and author of some of the best appreciated books on Vedic astrology.

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Bibliographic information

Title Jatakalankara: A Treasure House of Planetary Yogas
Author K S Charak
Format Softcover
Date published: 29.04.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Uma Publications
Language: English
isbn 8190100674
length 172p., Tables; Figures; Index; 22cm.