Compendium of e-Governance: Initiatives in India
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are finding major applications in the government sector today--enabling easy and transparent flow of information between various government departments; and between the government and the citizens of the country. The Indian Government, both at the state and the central level have drawn up impressive e-governance plans to improve services to the common man. But how effective have these e-governance projects been? In 2003, the Computer Society of India (CSI) with support from Nihilent Technologies Instituted the e-Governance Awards in the year 2003 with the prime objective of evaluating these projects, and since then, a plethora of information has been made available on implementation problems faced by various organization, and possible solutions. The articles included in this compendium have been collected from project implementers working on different e-governance projects in the country and include implementation of ICT initiatives this year (2006-07). The information was updated on October 1, 2007 to ensure that the latest details on these important projects are available to researchers as well as implementers of e-governance. The book also contains a detailed project assessment methodology based on the result-and-enabler approach adopted for the first time on projects during the current year for the e-governance awards. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model which had been used to evaluate projects during the previous years has been further strengthened.
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Piyush Gupta