It's A Mom! What You Should Know about the Early Years of Motherhood
Bringing your first-born into the world actually means the birth of a whole new you, says first-time mother and toddler-survivor Shefali Tsabary. While everyone fusses over the little bundle, you are going to have to overcome the feeling of your life being taken over and turned on its head (while your body has been transformed into something just as unrecognizable) You will have to learn to take pleasure in being a mother through the utter helplessness of the initial days, the extreme fatigue resulting from sleepless nights, and the overwhelming responsibility of shaping another life.
It's Mom gives you invaluable advice on how to handle your baby and yourself in every imaginable situation. From feeding and burping and establishing sleeping patterns to tackling your toddler's tantrums, this book outlines effective techniques that will make bonding with your baby a pleasure. And its gives you the crucial tip that your ever-eager-to-advise relatives forgot to mention: You have a life beyond your baby - and a body and mind, and spouse to reconnect with.
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