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Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions

N / A (Author) Vedic Astrology Series

This book, a compilation of research papers on replicable predictive techniques has been a landmark in the Astrological world. The first edition was sold out in less than a year and a half, testifying to the usefulness and wide acceptance of these replicable techniques. Three notable features of these research papers are: They are fundamental, being based on the fundamental principles of classical Vedic Astrology. They are composite in an innovative way. They are multi-data based, leading to an expansion of even a micro research into a macro research at any time. This book gives totally dependable and replicable predictive techniques which can be replicated thousand times with ninety percent or even hundred percent accuracy. A book that must be possessed by any astrologer wanting to hone his predictive tools or enhance the accuracy of his predictions.

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Bibliographic information

Title Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions
Author N / A
Format Softcover
Date published: 02.06.2005
Edition 4th ed.
Language: English
isbn 8186089047
length viii+243p., Tables; Figures; 23cm.