Globalization of Services: India's Opportunities and Constraints
The service sector today encompasses a wide range of activities. It extends beyond the traditional areas of finance, insurance, transport, communication, and tourism to new and dynamic ones such as software, electronic commerce, environment and educational services. This book assesses the implications of multilateral trade liberalization of services in India. It provides a comprehensive account of the country’s tradable service sector, its potential, and problems in the context of the on-going round of service negotiations. The book presents: An overview of trends in services trade in the world economy. An evaluation of India’s strengths and weaknesses in this context. A comparative assessment of the extent of liberalization across the country’s major trading partners. Policy implications for future trade prospects. It also evaluates liberalization strategies required to address cross-sectoral and multilateral issues. The book provides invaluable insights to policy-makers, businesspersons and trade policy practitioners, and negotiators. It will also appeal to academics and the wider public interested in the WTO and trade in services.
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