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Handbook for Teaching Physical Sciences: Methods and Techniques

M.T.V. Nagaraju (Author)
Synopsis The present volume provides the trainee a comprehensive overview of the modern approaches and strategies in science teaching and raises the following questions: What is science? How far is it relevant to the individual and society? What types of methods and techniques are required to deal in classroom effectively? How should we inculcate the scientific skills and teaching skills among the trainees? When we evaluate the students and how? For answering these questions, the author made an attempt and clearly given a picture of knowledge in the Handbook for Teaching Physical Sciences.
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About the author

M.T.V. Nagaraju

M.T.V. Nagaraju is M.A. (Philosophy), M.Sc.(Physics), M.Ed., Ph.D. (Education) and Diploma in Yoga. His four books are published, fifteen research papers in National Journals. Had presented twenty research papers/ articles in International and National Seminars/ conferences/ workshops. Currently guiding two Doctoral researches and eight M.Phil., students. He is enthusiastically participating in the NCERT, NCTE, UGC, RIE and DPEP/SSA pogrammes and act as resource person for different teacher orientation programmes and enlighten the students though personality behaviour  classes. He is an executive Member in Indian Association of Teacher Educators and Life Member in Indian Academy of Applied Pychologists.

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Bibliographic information

Title Handbook for Teaching Physical Sciences: Methods and Techniques
Format Hardcover
Date published: 14.07.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788184570625
length v+ 227p., 23cm; Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index.