The Secret Doctrine: The Missing Links in Vedas and Upanishads
This super title by Amarakavi Siddeswara, a Brahma Jnani is a marvel in human history. Even the Vedic and Upanishad doctrines, not to speak of the great Bhagavad Gita are either silent or not outspoken in revealing the secrets of the Conscious-self-the fountain-head of Inner Guidance and Voice experienced by the sages of yore. The author has been magnanimous to the core in revealing his self-experience with the divine presenting unprecedented spiritual tips and formulae in every chapter with which the reader can easily understand the art of reaching the Conscious-self by reformulating his phenomenal, mental and spiritual strategies for a consummated charge with the divine spark in himself. The technic of a transition from the state of a man of the earth to the state of a super man vested with a gift for self-communion with the divine is exposed in this book for the first time in the history of mankind. This book proves beyond doubt that the order of the present-day worship and knowledge is far from satisfactory to realize revelations and inner guidance from the divine. This book is well timed in its arrival for the understanding and uplift of the humanity as a whole. May the readers bask in this knowledge.
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