Studies in School Education
School Education is the foundation of the entire educational infrastructure. It is imperative that its strength and stamina must determine the quality and quantity of educational panorama in the country. It is, therefore, felt essential to study various aspects of school education in order to know the status quo, identify the problems faced and conduct experiments for improving the existing systems and schemes in execution. In this book as many as 27 studies have found place to give an idea about the status, issues and concerns in the field of school education. The studies have been classified into four categories, such as: Democracy, sociology and economics of education. Rural, tribal and minorities development in education. Nutrition, creativity and methods of teaching. Learning through media. These studies are necessary for creating adequate awareness and interest, imparting requisite psychomotor skills, developing positive attitudes and so on. Such studies would throw light on the dark corridors of our teaching-learning system and activate the idle and inert agencies and motivate the sincere workers in the field of school education.
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