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Industrial Disaster Management

Braj Kishore Prasad Singh (Author)
Synopsis Hazard is a dangerous condition or event, natural or man-made that could cause injury, loss of life or damage to property, livelihood or environment. A hazard could be a natural hazard like earthquake, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis  that are exclusively of natural origin. Landslide, floods droughts and fires are socio--natural hazards since their causes are both natural and manmade. For example, flooding may be increased through landslide, drainage or ground water extraction leading to drought and; storm surge hazard may be worsened by the destruction of mangroves. Man made hazards are generally associated wit industries and factories and it includes explosion, leakage of toxic waste, pollution and dam failures. War and civil strife is included in this category. Disasters are both natural and man-made.  Different sources scholars and institutions for their valuable contribution on this subject. Librarians and their staff members have been kind and helpful.Last but not the least my publishers who appreciated this book and brought this work out in a record time.
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Bibliographic information

Title Industrial Disaster Management
Format Hardcover
Date published: 22.08.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8190479097
length viii+288p.