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Fitness Walking

Les Snowdon (Author) Maggie Humphreys (Author)
Synopsis The almost anywhere, anytime, fitness-for-life programme. Building on the age-old concept of walking for fitness and health, the revolutionary techniques of Fitness Walking will take you striding forward towards a healthier life. The book will help you draw up your personal conditioning programme that will explain when, where, and how to walk for achieving cardiovascular fitness, improving respiratory efficiency and burning away fat and unwanted calories.
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About the author

Les Snowdon

Since the early 1990s Les Snowdon and Maggie Humphreys have been at the forefront of initiatives to promote the benefits of walking for fitness, weight-loss and long-term health. Their books have been international bestsellers and they have been interviewed and featured more than 200 times in the press, in magazines, and on the radio and TV.

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Bibliographic information

Title Fitness Walking
Format Softcover
Date published: 26.08.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Orient Paperbacks
Language: English
isbn 9788122201529
length 176p.