Operation Rescue
Only two months after India attained independence, the State of Jammu & Kashmir was invaded by tribal hordes followed by a regular military invasion. Military operations in this theatre lasted for over one year and ended with a ceasefire in January 1949. These operations have had a long hangover, affecting pease on the Indian subcontinent for the last four decades, during which period this State has been the scene of short and sharp military conflicts in 1965 and 1971. This is the first ever authentic account published covering the entire military compaign in Kashmir from 1947 to 1949, written by an officer closely connected with these operations. This narrative has been blended with personal reminiscences and written in a very readable form for the general public. Apart from the gripping narrative of the operations, the author has also provided a good insight into the peculiar problems of operating at high altitude.
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This book helps me in gaining knowledge about the exact what is happening in that time in jammu kashmir .
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