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Operation Rescue

S.K. Sinha (Author)
Synopsis Only two months after India attained independence, the State of Jammu & Kashmir was invaded by tribal hordes followed by a regular military invasion. Military operations in this theatre lasted for over one year and ended with a ceasefire in January 1949. These operations have had a long hangover, affecting pease on the Indian subcontinent for the last four decades, during which period this State has been the scene of short and sharp military conflicts in 1965 and 1971. This is the first ever authentic account published covering the entire military compaign in Kashmir from 1947 to 1949, written by an officer closely connected with these operations. This narrative has been blended with personal reminiscences and written in a very readable form for the general public. Apart from the gripping narrative of the operations, the author has also provided a good insight into the peculiar problems of operating at high altitude.
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About the author

S.K. Sinha

Lt. Gen (Retd.) S.K. Sinha, PVSM, was born in 1926 and graduated from Patna University i 1943. He joined the Army soon thereafter and was commissioned in the JAT Regiment. He saw combat during the Second World War in Burma (Myanmar) and Indonesia. After Independence, he was transferred to 5 Gorkha Rifles (FF). He was associated with the Kashmir War from day one, 27th October 1947, and was intimately connected with it throughout the first Indo-Pak War of 1947-48. He was the Secretary of the Indian delegation to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) in 1949 to delineate the Cease-Fire Line in Kashmir. During his long distinguished career in the Army, General Sinha held all levels of command from a Platoon to a Field Army. He served as Instructor both at the War College in Mhow and at Staff College in Wellington. He held key staff appointments in field formations besides serving in every rank from Capt. to Lt. Gen at Army Headquarters. In 1973, he was decorated with the highest military award for distinguished services, Param Vishisht Seva Medal (PVSM). His last appointment in the Army was Vice Chief of the Army Staff, when he quit the Service in 1983. Appointed as India's Ambassador to Nepal when Indo-Nepal relations had hit their nadir, General Sinha Played a key role in raising Indo-Nepal relations to a high level of cordiality and also in the restoration of democracy in that country. The Prime Minister of Nepal Wrote, "General Sinha was as much India's Ambassador to Nepal as Nepal's Ambassador to India". In 1997, he was appointed Governor of Assam when insurgency was at its peak in that State. He succeeded in isolating the militants and bringing the people of Assam. The people and the Press referred to him as "Our Man in Raj Bhawan", 'a true son of the soil of Assam, totally Assamese in his outlook". He took over as Governor of Jammu and Kashmir in 2003 where he still continues to serve. During the last three years, there has been a marked improvement in the security scenario in that State.

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Dec, 12, 2023

This book helps me in gaining knowledge about the exact what is happening in that time in jammu kashmir .

Bibliographic information

Title Operation Rescue
Author S.K. Sinha
Format Softcover
Date published: 02.09.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170944988
length 176p.