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An Atlas Illustrating HIV in Dermatology

Bela J Shah (Author)

A clinician must be able to understand that sexually transmitted infection (STI) is a very important cofactor in HIV transmission as well as acquisition. STI management approaches are simplified by National Aids Control Organization (NACO) training programs on enhanced syndromic management. It is very important to understand the examination of the largest organ of the body, i.e. skin in relation to HIV. The HIV epidemic is mature enough now. The primary and secondary mucocutaneous manifestations seen in people living with HIV/Aids (PLHA) provide an opportunity not only to identify the HIV, for the very first time, but also to classify them as per WHO staging and even institute ART. Through this book, the author has aptly tried to present the clinical spectrum of HIV/AIDS. The varied collection of colored clinical photographs create a perfect image and understanding of the disease.

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Bibliographic information

Title An Atlas Illustrating HIV in Dermatology
Author Bela J Shah
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2013
Edition 1st. Ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789350250501
length 104p., 8.5" X 11"