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Rice Bonanza

Manjira Majumdar (Author)
Synopsis Rice, a complete food in itself, mirrors India's culinary diversity binding us as people of a single nation. For the first time, this unique and outstanding book takes you on a culinary adventure through the kitchens of India giving you a vast array of lip-smacking rice dishes culled from all parts of our country such as: Yakhni Pulao of Kashmir; Tehri of Punjab; Jeera Rice of Delhi; Meat Pulao of Uttar Pradesh; Fish Kofta Pulao of Bengal; Ven Pongal of Tamil Nadu; Kochi Seafood Pulao of Kerala; Vangi Bhaat of Maharashtra; and many types of desserts; go ahead, enjoy eating mouth-watering delicacies to your hearts's content.
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About the author

Manjira Majumdar

Manjira Majumdar, the author of this exclusive book on rice dishes and specialities, has done masters in Comparative Literature and worked extensively in the field of journalism and communication. Apart from sharing her expertise and experience in cooking, the author has penned a number of short stories and written a book on children also. Her interests include travelling and researching on food and lifestyle of people across the globe.

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Bibliographic information

Title Rice Bonanza
Format Softcover
Date published: 11.09.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pustak Mahal
Language: English
isbn 9788178061054
length 133p.