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Improve Your Word Power: A Concise way to Increase your Word Power

Clifford Sawhney (Author)
Synopsis English is a unique language which has innumerable great poets and authors from the past as well as the present, who have contributed profusely to its rich heritage. Nonetheless, we can not ignore the complexities of the English language which sometimes perplex a reader or even a scholar of this language. Improve your word power by Clifford Sawhney simplifies all these complexities of the language by providing answers to the many nagging grammatical queries, syntax, style, choice of words, spellings, etc. This book serves as a complete guide and elaborately explains the different usages of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, proverbs and so on. Hence, it will undoubtedly serve as a bible for both the lovers and wizards of English language.
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About the author

Clifford Sawhney

Clifford Sawhney has over 20 years' experience in the print media, corporate communications and publishing industry. Besides writing a plethora of articles on varied topics, he has also edited a couple of magazines and helped launch five periodicals. His writings have appeared in the Hindustan Times, Discover India, Life Positive, Parade, Parenting, Clarity, Debonair, Hotel & Food Service, Rave, e-Commerce, The Diplomatist, and other periodicals. Currently a consultant in the print media and publishing industry, the author imparts the same professional touch to his books that he did as a journalist. The Book of Common & Uncommon Proverbs is his fourth book for Pustak Mahal, after Medical Jokes & Humour, The World's Greatest Seers & Philosophers and Strange But True Facts.

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Bibliographic information

Title Improve Your Word Power: A Concise way to Increase your Word Power
Format Softcover
Date published: 11.09.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pustak Mahal
Language: English
isbn 9788122309133
length 230p.