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Kick Your Sugar Habit

Sanjeev Gupta (Author)
Synopsis Did you know that Sugar is classified with tha habit-forming alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, cola drinks and tobacco? Did you know that new-borns are prone to become sugar addicts, even before they learn to go to toilet? This book is a practical guide to control your sugar intake.Excess sugar intake,in fact,can lead to serious health problems,as it weakens our defence against illness. The need to know all about sugar, types of sugar, what sugar does to our body and how - constitute the bulk of the matter in this health companion. By consulting this book, you can change your dietry habits and enjoy a dramatic change in general health.
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About the author

Sanjeev Gupta

Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, a senior faculty in Apeejay Institute of Management, Jalandhar, is M.A., PGDOR, M. Phil. and Ph.D. He has about a decade’s teaching experience at postgraduate level and has contributed a number of articles in leading journals. His main areas of interest are Applied Economics, Econometrics and Applied Operations Research. He is a life member os several academic and professional association like Indian Economic Association, Indian Society for Agricultural Economics etc. he has been regularly attending and contributing research papers in various seminars, conferences and workshops.

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Bibliographic information

Title Kick Your Sugar Habit
Author Sanjeev Gupta
Format Softcover
Date published: 12.09.2001
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pustak Mahal
Language: English
isbn 9788122306958
length 96p.