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Basic Science for Modern Cosmetic Dermatology

Chakaravarthi Srinivas (Author) Michèle Verschoore (Author) Claire Battie (Author)

This textbook is the fruit of intense dialog and work between renowned Indian dermatologists with expertise in Cosmetic Dermatology and international scientists known for their excellence in basic Cosmetic Science. This textbook is aimed at readers who wish to have a broad overview of cosmetic dermatology including the most recent advances in basic Cosmetic Science. It will help each Indian practitioner to better apprehend the science behind modern cosmetics and guide him or her towards adapted cosmetic recommendations for each patient. Each chapter was co-written by Indian experts and International experts, and this methodology has resulted in outstanding mutual understanding. I wish to thank all authors for this intensive work leading to this positive outcome.

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Bibliographic information

Title Basic Science for Modern Cosmetic Dermatology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 07.11.2015
Edition 1st. Ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789351523192
length 224p., 8" X 10"