Martyr Raja Nahar Singh: An Unsung Hero of 1857
History is the treasure of events and study of past events provides a sure guide to the future. There are so many great events in history, which have so far not been properly alluded. If any reader traverses the memory of the India nation as enshrined in its history would find the political history of the 18 century India simultaneously instructive and interesting. During this period Mughal Empire disintegrated British Empire took firm roots and there sprang up many new centers of power. Ballabhagarh Kingdom was one of them. This small but strategical important principality played far greater significant role than to its size under able leadership of Raja Nahar Singh in 1857. To Martyr Raja Nahar Singh was a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity, nationalist to the core and patriot par excellence so Emperor Bahadur Shah appointed him as the internal administrator of Delhi. He organized secret meeting of the native rulers at Garh Mukteshwar (UP) in a bid to bring them under a common flag to fight against the British. After the efforts of the patriots to liberate India did not fructify, Nahar Singh was hanged and his Kingdom taken over. In spite of volumes written about Jats, no full-fledged work has appeared on the role of Nahar Singh, who remains unsung. This volume, therefore, attempts to provide a properly documented account and thus fills gap in historical studies of smaller kingdoms of that age. An appraisal of the proceedings of the military tribunal has been that pronounced judgment in case against the Jat Raja. The irony of the British Justice is evidenced here. Whereas the decisions based on the same testimony i.e. correspondence exchanged between the Jat Raja and the Mughal Emperor during 1857 must have been the same but it differed for the two viz. exile for the emperor and death sentence to the Ballabhgarh king!
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