Bhutani’s Color Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Infections
The profile of sexually transmitted diseases has changed dramatically from the time, the first edition of the atlas was brought out by Professor LK Bhutani as an add-on to his immensely popular Colour Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Several batches of postgraduate students were initiated into the field of ‘venereology’ by the colorful (in the era of black and white) book.
With the advent of HIV pandemic, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have gained a new academic lease of life and have also changed their profile. The atlas is a pictorial journey of STIs from the past (rare photographs of tertiary syphilis) to the present (protean cutaneous manifestations of HIV). Though keeping the tradition of ‘LKBism’ (inimitable crisp style), an effort has been made to make the atlas more than just a visual treat, by incorporating diagnostic techniques (with several pictures clicked at the bench) and treatment. To make the atlas comprehensive, a section has been added on anatomy of genital tract and syndromic management.
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Bibliographic information
Sushruta Kathuria