HR Forecasting and Planning
The HR profession has long fought to be recognised at the strategic level – and there is now increasing evidence to suggest that it has found its place at the ‘top table’. All that remains is for HR to add genuine value to the strategy-setting process. Paul Turner believes that this final element is achieved by pulling the disparate elements of strategy, forecasting and planning into a single and systematic process. His model is based on two key components:— the strategic human resource forecast – which takes the business strategy, analyses its application to HR and projects the scenarios that may arise— the human resource plan – which takes the decisions made at the strategic and forecasting level and develops them into a series of co-ordinated business plans.This practical book presents a powerful step-by-step model and provides essential guidance on issues such as: persuading your organisation to adopt the model; and implementing and managing the key processes. An essential tool for every HR professional, this book will help ensure the function realises its full potential in contributing to business success within any organisation.
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