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Managing Microfinance: A Corporate Approach

Harsh Bhargava (Author)
Synopsis Microfinance received global media attention after the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 was won by Bangladesh’s Dr Mohammed Yunus, the architect of Grameen Bank. Microfinance helps the poor save, link their savings with credit and become self-employed. In India, government, banks and NGOs develop microfinance. This book presents a comprehensive view of its basic concepts and social perspective, and describes people's experiences. This book will be useful to researchers, NGOs, MFIs, government departments, banks and academia.
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About the author

Harsh Bhargava

Harsh Bhargava obtained his Electronics Engineering degree from BITS, Pilani and M. Tech from IIT, Kanpur. He also holds an MMS from Osmania University, Hyderabad. For over three decades, he was involved in various capacities in institution building and indigenous design, development and implementation of embedded real time systems for mission critical applications in the Indian Navy. Harsh has consulted and taught PG level courses as well as conducted EEP/MDPs for both Indian and foreign participants. While at the Icfai Business School, Hyderabad, he taught and researched in the areas of IT for leveraging businesses, BPO Management, NGOs, and Knowledge Leadership. He has also edited a few books in the areas of Rural Transformation and NGOs, bringing out the role of technology and visionary leadership. He is currently working with Byrraju Foundation, Hyderabad.

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Bibliographic information

Title Managing Microfinance: A Corporate Approach
Format Hardcover
Date published: 11.10.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8131405540
length 288p.