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Fish Biology

C.B.L. Srivastava (Author)

The book is primarily intended to serve as both a text book for the graduate/postgraduate courses and a reference book for researchers, teachers and fishery biologists. The teachers particularly those imparting advanced teaching, will get contemporary view of the topics they teach. Ichthyology is a much sort after subject of specialisation for students doing post graduation at Indian Universities. Lack of up to date comprehensive resource material written by Indian authors is greatly felt, and it is one of the factors impending the updating of the syllabi. The book is intended to fill this void. A wide coverage of fish biology will make it of interest not only to ichthyologist but to professional fishery biologist as well desiring to learn basic structure and function of fish body in daily life of the fish. The book will also be found useful in may ways to the large number of candidates who seek to appear at competitive professional examination or face interviews for selection to build their carrier, every year.

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About the author

C.B.L. Srivastava

Dr. C.B.L. Srivastava, D.Phil., D.Sc., F.N.A.Sc., Emeritus Professor at the University of Allahabad is an internationally renowned veteran ichthyologist of the country. formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology and UGC Emeritus Fellow. Dr. Srivastava at present is the Principal Investigator of a DST (USERS FUND) Project and the Council Member and Member, Editorial Board of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences, India. Dr. Srivastava has travelled far and wide in Europe and has worked in leading laboratories of France, Germany and Switzerland. with over 39 years of teaching experience in Fish Biology, he has guided research work for over a dozen doctoral theses. He worked on several research projects sponsored by the UGC, CSIR and DST. He has published a number of research papers all centred around catfishes, in national and international journals of repute. He was elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India and was awarded the U.P. Govt. Education Ministers' Gold Medal. His three earlier books Published on fish Biology, Fishery Science and Aquarium-Fish Keeping have been received with admiration from students and teachers alike in the country and abroad. Dr. Srivastava with his team of research scholars has carried out research work for over 40 years in diverse aspects of fish anatomy and biology-all investigations centred around catfishes.

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Bibliographic information

Title Fish Biology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 16.10.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8185375550
length xiv+330p., Figures