A Critical Guide to the Life and Literature of Mark Twain (Volume I and II)
A Critical Guide to the Life and Literature of Mark Twain illustrates Mark Twain as a Person, an American and a literary genius through a brief but highlighted biography supplemented by a separate critical review of A.B. Paine's biography. The book proceeds to catch his man within, his art of writing and his international fame. Mark Twain is also valued in the coming chapters vis-a-vis The American Tradition of literary writing, his distinctions and analogies with laureates like Bernard Shaw and icons of popular culture like Charlie Chaplin. With critical appraisal of Twain and his times, his tragedies and views particularly on education are discussed over three separate chapters and his century is taken into view. Appreciation of Mark Twain in America and Europe as a man of unique distinction, humorist, and world-famed genius, philosopher, moralist and sociologist forms another three chapters of the book. Finally Mark Twain's selected speeches and selected letters after critical snippets on his life and literature are included for a quick view.
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