Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Metallogenesis: With Special Reference to Central India
Comprehensive studies on the evolutionary processes of crust in relation to metallogenesis constitute a sound basis to develop the concept-based models and strategies for mineral exploration in potential metallogenic domains worldwide. The Central Indian Precambrian Shield has attracted the attention of researchers as well as the exploration geologists and strategists from this viewpoint with increasing understanding about its mineral potentialities and related geological settings in the recent years. Critical lack of relevant database and geological information on the subject, however, has often circumscribed such studies in large part of this Precambrian Shield. The Volume is a compendium of ten papers concerned with its main theme; they include selected papers from a nation-level Seminar on "Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Metallogenesis" which was held at Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad during Jan. 29-30, 1993 as part of the Tenth Convention of Indian Geological Congress, beside few invited papers. It is hoped that the Volume, though printed belated, shall be a welcome edition to the economic geological shelves of the libraries for the benefit of young researchers whose future contributions may benefit the cause of concept-based exploration in the region much more in years to come.
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S.C. Patel