Pharmaceutical Drug and Drugs Products: With Their Description, Medicinal Preparations, Administrations and Therapeutic Uses (In 3 Volumes)
This treatise is designed to meet the demand of the progressive physician, researchers for information concerning the most modern therapeutic agencies placed at his command by Research Laboratories. It presents without bias or comment all the popular non-pharmacopeal preparations and other remedies found useful in the treatment of disease. The pharmaceutical concerns of America spend millions of dollars yearly for the discovery and preparation of medicinal agents of high merit. Medicine is indeed indebted to these organizations for the many epoch-making discoveries and invaluable additions to modern therapeusis made during the past-few decades; most of the curative sera, vaccines, allergens, potent drugs and endocrines are the result of their researches. The physician, however, has at present no adequate means of keeping informed on all the newer additions to his armamentarium; commercial descriptions of these reach him at inopportune times and usually find their way into the waste basket, thus seldom being on hand when wanted; and except for the official publication of only Council-accepted products, there are no authoritative sources of information embracing all the modern preparations. To provide such source is the purpose of this work. An edeavour is here made to present without favoritism or discrimination all the non-official products-proprietary, patented, council accepted and others, that are popular with the medical profession. Descriptions, statements, analyses and all other data are offered without change or comment, but as found available in the numerous standards works and references consulted, or as obtained from the producers and distributors of the respective products. The embodiment in three volumes of such a mass of material necessitated the use of phraseology as brief as was found consistent with the complete description of every important feature.
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William E. Fitch