Virtual Reality: Concepts and Applications
How are pilots trained? What technology is responsible for stunning realism in games? How are virtual universities set up? The answers to all these questions and many more can be found out in this book. The technology which makes amazing feats possible is Virtual Reality. The awesome power of modern computer graphics and advances in haptics produce powerful virtual environments. So powerful are the environments that the users get fully immersed in it. The boundary line between real and virtual becomes diffused. The vivid and stunning environments find applications ranging from flight simulation to virtual campaign; from treating trauma patients to gaming. Thus, Virtual Reality is not just one of overwrought sales pitches about new technology; but a technology that is real and has amazing real-life applications. The first section of this book describes the technological aspects of Virtual Reality. The information is explained in a lucid language, which the reader will find quite interesting. The second section is more elaborate. It describes actual applications of virtual reality. Especially, the article on flight simulation is very informative. Besides flight simulation, the reader will gain an insight into use of virtual reality in education, medicine and even sports!
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Bibliographic information
Sameer A. Zodgekar