Society and Development in China and India
The book is the first academic venture of its kind between the two giants of Asia, Viz., China and India, dealing with the hitherto neglected comparative study. These countries have ancient history, composite culture, diverse ecological scenario and socio-economic development. Therefore, very rightly this book has been organised in a holistic perspective on development. The book is divided into four parts and they together contain 20 papers contributed by eminent scholars from China and India. The papers under part one discuss recent history and panorama of culture and society. The second part of the book appropriately highlights complex issues of infrastructure and ecological perspectives, which form the essential primary requirement of development. The third part rightly focuses on the hitherto neglected dimensions of development in developing countries viz., human resource development, health and gender issues. At the end several chapters have been devoted to economic development like industry, agriculture, labour force and so on. Taken together, the papers presented in this volume provide a comprehensive coverage of differential dimensions of development under two diverse systems of political ideology and complex societal scenario. It will, therefore, help to bridge the existing gap of knowledge and understanding between the people of two great countries of Asia. Indeed it will be equally valuable to all those who are consigned with holistic perspectives on development. With its broad canvas, the comprehensive coverage of diverse dimensions of development presented here meet the requirement of economists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, political scientists, behavioural scientists, policy makers and managers of most welfare cum development programmes all over the world.
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Bibliographic information
Chi-hsien Tuan
Jingyuan Yu
M. Sumangala
G.P. Ramachandra