Child Labour in India
The recent trend in the global system is to evaluate the development of any country not in terms of their military or economic strength or the splendor of their capital cites and big public buildings, but also in terms of human development or the well being of its citizens. Against this backdrop, the existence and perpetuation of child labour has been one of the main limiting factors standing in the way of human development in almost all the developing countries, including India. The issue of child labour is a worldwide phenomenon and it exists in almost all the countries of this planet. Meanwhile it is very sadden to write that our India is one among the nation in the world, which has the unique distinction of being a large employer of child labour. Since child labour is a more complex natured problem a balanced approach is needed to solve this issue with an interactive role from all concerned people and the agencies. It is the right time for all to be highly and really think regarding ensure of better social, political and economic lives to all sections of the society, at least in the interest of human rights in this new millennium. Each and every chapter of this book gives a different out look on the problem to the readers. This book will be high useful to academic people, anthropologists, policy makers, NGOs, research students, development agencies and others, interested in studying the growing problem of child labour.
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